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Hello wonderful readers, I'm so glad you've decided to look at my blog :) I'm sorry if it's not what you expected, but this is me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

School Again

First day back at school. Sigh... love my friends dearly, but there's a certain girl in my group of friends that makes everyone mad. She thinks she's the hottest thing ever and CONSTANTLY talks about her boobs. Like seriously, she thinks they're a gift from God. But whatever.

She also today told me that she doesnt like the word nerd and therefore we cannot call anyone a nerd. First of all, there ARE nerdy people. Secound of all, SHE is a nerdy bookworm. But she got sooo mad when I told her she was a nerdy bookworm, it was like I'd insulted her or something. I can proudly call myself a nerd though and don't see anything insulting about it at all.

Anyways, so I also bought new shoes this past weekend. Wore them to school today and regretted it after maybe thirty minutes. I'm a Counseling Aide during first period class and was running about thirty ID cards to various classes across my school. And I don't have a small school either, it's a six minute fast walk from one end to the other, AND its 2 (technically 4) stories tall. So I was walking passes around and my new shoes tore a huge wound into the back of my heels, and then rubbed the skin raw on my pinky toes....I had to endure 8 class periods before I could head home. My feet are STILL throbbing in pain :(

More to come later, I need to go do some AP Government homework.

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