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Monday, January 17, 2011

Things to Ponder...

1. Why do people say one thing when they mean another?
2. What makes a guy want to be with you with out actually having met you?

..if anyone can answer these please do...

1 comment:

  1. 1) We're humans. We make spontaneous mistakes and wish we could take them back, but we had already done them without thinking. We decide to do things without thinking about the consequences.

    2) Guys have grown wrong. There used to be real love in this world. True love for the heart and soul of someone. Evolution has ruined that. Here in the 21st century, most guys just look for boobs, hair, waist, skin, get it. They "want" you. They'll date you on the whim if you'll let them just because they think you're beautiful on the outside, or they're just desperate.
