Number of Awesome Blog Readers


Hello wonderful readers, I'm so glad you've decided to look at my blog :) I'm sorry if it's not what you expected, but this is me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ramblings of a Bored (but happy) Teen

Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong? and then, just as you've given up hope and resigned yourself to the fact that you're having a crappy day, something awesome happens? Well, that's how my day ended. I still hate Valentines Day but atleast it didn't end on a completely horrid note.

I met a new person, though I'm still torn up about losing my friend Gage. And I spent most of the night talking to my other guy friend :) Who, and he will agree with this, is amazingly cool lol. I won't tell you all what we talked about because he is my confidante but I really do like talking to him...

Here's some lame "poetry" I wrote lol:

 Friends lost
known years ago
Fragments of memory
come at an unsteady flow
Faces forgotten
Names unremembered
All that I knew
Seems lost forever

Make new friends
But keep all the old
All of my life
That's what I've been told

... I don't know how to finish/continue it so I'm very open to suggestions :)

1 comment:

  1. that's really good
    you should just continue with what you have
    maybe put in something about nothing is permanent?
